A proposed settlement that would reshuffle some of Nevada’s adult-use dispensary licenses could end a legal battle between the state and businesses that were not granted licenses in 2018, according to The Nevada Independent.
The settlement was announced in court July 29 and involves 17 cannabis businesses and the Nevada Department of Taxation, which regulated the industry until this summer, when the newly established Nevada Cannabis Compliance Board took over regulatory oversight.
The settlement would reassign the following licenses, according to a Nevada Current report:
- Lone Mountain to assign a City of Las Vegas conditional license to Qualcan
- Lone Mountain to assign a Washoe County – City of Reno conditional license, a Lincoln County conditional license, an Esmerelda conditional license and a Eureka County conditional license to ETW Plaintiffs
- Helping Hands to assign a Clark County conditional license to LivFree
- Nevada Organic Remedies (The Source) to assign a Clark County conditional license to MM Development (Planet 13)
- Nevada Organic Remedies (The Source) to assign a Carson City conditional license to Qualcan
- GreenMart to assign a Clark County conditional license to Nevada Wellness Center
- Thrive to assign a Clark County – City of Henderson conditional license to ETW Management or a related-entity designee
- Lone Mountain to assign a Douglas County conditional license to Thrive
The state also agreed in the proposed settlement to issue a Henderson license to LivFree, the Nevada Current reported.
Some of the plaintiffs challenged the proposal, alleging collusion, the news outlet reported. They asked Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez to temporarily bar the Nevada Tax Commission from approving the proposed settlement July 31, but Gonzalez rejected the motion.
Now, the Tax Commission has agreed to approve the agreement contingent upon the approval of the Cannabis Compliance Board, according to the Nevada Current.