The Missouri Department of Agriculture has awarded grants to four hemp processors to expand fiber processing capacity in the state.
The maximum award amount was $200,000 with a minimum 25% cash match required. The funds came from $700,000 appropriated by the Missouri General Assembly to build out the state’s hemp fiber processing infrastructure.
The businesses that received grants are:
Midwest Natural Fiber LLC, Sikeston, Mo.
Tiger Fiber Inc., Fenton, Mo.
Hemp Solutions LLC, Lexington, Mo.
Rockwater LLC, Union, Mo.
“I feel so lucky and grateful to live in a state with a supportive government that understands the massive positive impact that hemp will bring to Missouri’s economy, ag communities, and the environment," said Patrick Van Meter, the CEO and co-founder of Midwest Natural Fiber, in an email. "Agriculture is the number one industry in Missouri, and adding hemp as a dependable rotational crop makes it even better.”