Proposal to Cap THC in Medical Cannabis Products Stalls in Florida House

The House unanimously approved a version of a larger healthcare bill without a provision that would have imposed a 10% THC limit on products for patients under the age of 21.

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A proposal to cap the THC content in medical cannabis products for patients under the age of 21 stalled in the Florida House as the state’s 2020 legislative session came to a close March 13, according to a Miami Herald report.

The House unanimously approved a version of a larger healthcare bill without a provision that would have imposed the 10% THC limit, the news outlet reported.

Capping the amount of THC in medical cannabis products was a priority for House Speaker Jose Oliva this year, although the proposal was not as well-received in the Senate, Miami Herald reported.

This is the second year that a THC cap has been discussed in the Florida Legislature. The House considered a proposal last year that would have capped the THC level in whole-flower products at 10%, although the Senate ultimately rejected that measure.

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