Poll Shows Majority of DC Voters Oppose Council’s Decision to Shut Down Cannabis Gifting Shops

The survey results, released by the i-71 Committee, reveal that 66% of likely D.C. voters support Initiative 71, the district’s adult-use cannabis legalization measure, and its current implementation, including cannabis gifting.

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Various government agencies in Washington, D.C., are inspecting cannabis businesses this month to verify compliance with the district’s laws, meaning that unlicensed cannabis retailers could soon face enforcement action.

RELATED: D.C.’s Joint Cannabis Task Force Will Inspect Businesses Starting in September

However, recently released survey results reveal that the majority of D.C. voters oppose City Council’s decision to shut down the cannabis “gifting” shops.

The i-71 Committee, a coalition of citizens, industry leaders and stakeholders focused on passing legislation to provide cannabis access in the district, released new public opinion polling Sept. 22 that shows that 66% of likely D.C. voters support Initiative 71, the district’s adult-use cannabis legalization measure, and its current implementation, including cannabis gifting.

Twenty-seven percent of respondents oppose Initiative 71 and its implementation, according to the poll results, while 72% support cannabis legalization across the city and 23% oppose it.

Seventy-five percent of respondents would rather see the district reform its current laws to create a more regulated cannabis economy, the poll revealed, while 19% would like a total shutdown of cannabis gifting.

The poll also shows that 63% of respondents oppose the D.C. Council’s action against gifting shops, while 27% support it.

The research was conducted by brilliant corners Research & Strategies between Sept. 6 and Sept. 12 and consisted of 610 telephone interviews with likely D.C. voters. The poll inquired about respondents’ views on cannabis regulation, Initiative 71, the D.C. Council’s priority issues, the At-Large D.C. Council race and what they want their elected officials to address, according to the press release announcing the poll results.

D.C. voters approved Initiative 71 in the November 2014 election, and the following year, U.S. Rep. Andy Harris introduced a rider that stripped the district’s power to regulate a commercial adult-use cannabis industry. Commonly referred to as the Harris rider, the provision, which blocks D.C. from taxing and regulating cannabis sales, has been in place ever since.

RELATED: D.C. Remains on Cannabis Sales Sideline in New Omnibus Bill

City Council does have the authority to regulate medical cannabis in the district, however, and exercised that power earlier this year when it approved legislation to allow all residents 21 and older to self-certify as medical cannabis patients in an effort to expand safe access for consumers.

RELATED: DC Launches Adult-Use Cannabis Sales Without Launching Adult-Use Cannabis Sales

“The key takeaway here is this: If the D.C. Council shuts down i-71 stores, it will push the cannabis industry back to the streets,” i-71 Committee Chairman Terrence White said in a public statement. “That will lead to more gun violence centered around cannabis sales in our city and lead to an increase in the number of non-violent drug offenses interfacing with law enforcement. It’s also abundantly clear District voters do not want D.C. Councilmembers to act and punish our stores. It’s not perfect right now, but punishment will only cause more problems, and we’re here to find solutions."

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