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Meet Colorado’s New Single-Issue Voters: The Cannabis Community

Cannabis has galvanized broad swaths of the Colorado electorate.


LAFAYETTE, Colo. — The political rise of Colorado’s cannabis industry is, in essence, the story of Garrett Hause’s alfalfa farm.

Mr. Hause, a broad-shouldered, 25-year-old horticulturist who tills his family’s land in the shadow of the snow-capped Rocky Mountains, said he was never particularly interested in politics — that is, until voters legalized cannabis in 2012. He started familiarizing himself with the stringent state regulations that govern the industry. He and a friend then created Elation Cannabis Company, which uses a section of the family’s soil to grow hemp.

One afternoon last week, ahead of Tuesday’s primary in the Colorado governor’s race, Mr. Hause hosted one of the leading Democratic candidates, Representative Jared Polis, and reflected on his journey from political ambivalence to activism.

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