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Cannabis Tax Goes Before Voters in Santa Rosa, Calif.

If approved by voters, Measure D would allow the city to tax up to 8 percent of gross receipts or $25 per square foot of growing area for marijuana businesses.

Should Santa Rosa tax cannabis businesses to help offset the cost of regulating the fast-growing industry?

That question will be answered by voters, who will decide the fate of Measure D on the June 6 ballot.

RELATED: Santa Rosa’s Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation Ban Shelved for Second Time

There is no formal opposition to the measure. Tawnie Logan, executive director of the Sonoma County Growers Alliance, said her group of cannabis growers supports the city’s plan.

“It’s a good framework that’s representative of a tax structure that’s more approachable for the industry,” Logan said. “It’s still a little high but it’s far more accessible than the rates proposed by the county.”

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