Job Training Program, Hiring Mandate Proposed for San Francisco Cannabis Industry

Disadvantaged workers in San Francisco could get training for jobs in the cannabis industry.


Disadvantaged workers in San Francisco could get training for jobs in the cannabis industry under a proposed government program that would require businesses to hire the graduates.

The program, dubbed CityGrow, is modeled after CityBuild, an existing government program overseen by the Office of Economic and Workforce Development, that provides training for disadvantaged residents to land jobs in the construction industry.

Supervisor Ahsha Safai introduced the legislation last week for “advancing workforce equity.”

He told the San Francisco Examiner Tuesday that the intent is “to make sure everyday San Franciscans are able to take advantage of these opportunities.”

He noted that when the Board of Supervisors approved regulations for recreational cannabis late last year that became legal this year under Proposition 64 there was an understanding proposals would follow related to the industry’s workforce.

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