Sonoma, Calif., Re-ups Strict Regulations on Cannabis Grows

With a 3-2 vote, Sonoma City Council ratified temporary limitations on home grows.

“Grow your own” took on a more literal meaning two years ago when California voters passed Proposition 64, legalizing adult marijuana use in the state.

But in Sonoma, cultivation of cannabis remains largely in the closet – as long as that closet is a fully enclosed structure with adequate lighting, ventilation and security, according to new city regulations.

The Sonoma City Council on Monday voted 3-2 to ratify the city’s temporary limitations on growing cannabis for personal use within the city limits, as is currently set in its “urgency ordinance” passed last year as stop-gap measure while city officials considered terms of a more permanent set of cannabis regulations.

But despite the urging of Councilmembers Amy Harrington and Rachel Hundley to relax some of the current limits on outdoor cultivation, their colleagues on the dais were satisfied with what’s already in place with the urgency ordinance – limiting indoor grows to six plants and banning outdoor cultivation entirely.

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