A2LA Partners With National Industrial Hemp Council For Lab Testing Verification Program

The partnership will help the industry move forward with consistent testing practices that promote consumer safety.

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FREDERICK, Md., Feb. 5, 2024 – PRESS RELEASE – In 2018, the USDA Farm Bill established legality for hemp products with less than 0.3% total THC. Since then, hemp products have been sold and consumed across the United States with minimal, if any, testing. These unregulated products are sold by gas stations, online retailers, and various CBD shops. As a result of this oversight, and in an effort to create testing and product consistency, the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) has announced its cooperation with the National Industrial Hemp Council of America (NIHC) via the NIHC Verify program which is a joint recognition accreditation program for hemp testing laboratories.

This new program is recognized by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) because it is based on accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2017. This helps to move the industry forward toward consistent laboratory testing practices thereby promoting consumer safety. The NIHC Verify program is operated by NIHC and takes the first step toward consistent hemp testing and product safety. To identify hemp products that have been tested as part of this program look for the NIHC-Verify symbol and QR code on the packaging.  


Hemp growers and processors interested in having their products tested as part of this program are encouraged to have their A2LA accredited third-party testing laboratory become a member of NIHC—or view a list of the current NIHC-Verify member laboratories at A2LA.org by searching keyword “NIHC” in the search organizations function.

Laboratory accreditation is an indicator of the quality and competence of an organization, based on international standards, and is the most appropriate way to ensure an organization’s competence and proficiency. Through accreditation, customers, clients, and stakeholders gain confidence and assurance in the validity of test results. The requirements of A2LA and the NIHC Verify program are outlined in the R259—Specific Requirements—A2LA-NIHC Verify Recognition Program. The program contains the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017, the global standard for testing and calibration laboratories. 

This program was further developed to establish a benchmark for hemp testing laboratories that are accredited to conduct the following cannabinoid and contaminant testing (at a minimum):

  • Pesticides
  • Heavy Metals
  • Potency
  • Microbiology
  • Residual Solvents

For the first time, consumers and producers of hemp products may be sure that the hemp products they consume are tested for the aforementioned contaminants. In the future, NIHC hopes to specify both analytes tested for and pass/fail thresholds in conjunction with the standards developed by ASTM’s D37 Committee. The benefits of this accreditation program allow participants to meet an internationally recognized standard which is accepted by global government regulators, minimize risks while remaining compliant with regulatory requirements, demonstrate test laboratory commitment to patient health and safety, and scientifically verify facilities adherence to the industry testing standards.

For more information on this program, please contact Adam Gouker at [email protected]

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