How to Navigate Utility Rebates and Incentives

5 questions with Jason Battles, Fluence rebate expert

Inquiring about possible rebates for new LED lights is an essential step to any buildout. The Fluence team can assist growers with the entire rebate process.
Inquiring about possible rebates for new LED lights is an essential step to any buildout. The Fluence team can assist growers with the entire rebate process.
Photos courtesy of Fluence

Battles Profile Pic 1 Fmt
Jason Battles

1. Can you explain the difference between rebates and incentives?

Rebates are funds given to utility customers for installing energy efficient technology. Incentives are the same thing, but they require pre-approval from the utility before a purchase is made.

2. Who is eligible to earn rebates or incentives?

All utility customers are eligible for the programs offered by their utility unless they fall into one of two special categories: They have negotiated a custom rate schedule with the utility, or they are not paying into the rebate/incentive fund. Both of those situations are rare, but they would disqualify a company from participating in the program.

3. How much can I expect to receive from a rebate?

How much you receive is dependent on your utility. Some offer nothing. Others offer rebates that are lucrative enough to cover your entire project cost.

4. What is the advantage of working with Fluence to achieve a rebate?

At Fluence, we include rebate administration at no additional cost on all the projects we sell. That includes both sales directly from Fluence and through our Fluence partner network. Our experience with utility companies across North America helps us to see and mitigate typical issues that come up when pursuing rebates. I have been working in the commercial lighting and rebates world for 17 years, and I continue to reach out to utilities and start conversations to better understand and expand rebates in an effort to help our customers grow smarter for less money.

There are many companies who make their money by securing rebates for customers. Those companies take a percentage of the rebate to fund their efforts. With Fluence, you keep 100% of your rebate dollars and use them how you see fit for your business.

5. How long does it take to get rebate/incentive funds after my project is complete?

The timing will come down to the processes of your utility company. We typically see funds issued within 60 days of a project being submitted as “complete” to the utility company.

With some utilities, there may be a post inspection or some other form of fixture validation. In the most extreme of cases, a utility may require a period for measurements and verification. This would mean that the fixtures need to be installed and allowed to operate for a set amount of time before they come out and take power readings.

Any of these post-rebate processes is something that would be identified early by Fluence in the rebate/incentive cycle, and we would help you navigate that part so you can secure your funds.

If you are interested in learning more about Fluence lighting solutions and getting help with rebates and incentives from your utility company, go to