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Adams County (CO) Ends Ban on Marijuana, Adopts Marijuana Regulations

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[Press Release] During public hearing on Tuesday, Dec.16, the Adams County Board of County Commissioners voted to adopt regulations proposed by the county’s Planning & Development Department regarding marijuana-related industries in unincorporated areas. The board voted to cap the number of marijuana establishments through 2015 to 10 facilities: three retail stores, three grow houses, three manufacturing facilities, and one testing facility.

All the approved facilities will be permitted in industrial zone districts. Retail stores and limited grow facilities may also operate in C-3, C-4, and C-5 commercial zone districts. Larger grow facilities are permitted on parcels at least 35 acres in size in A-3 agricultural zone districts, with the following setbacks:

- a 1,000-foot setback from schools, state-licensed daycare homes and centers, playgrounds, parks, and public housing facilities;

- a 100-foot setback from places of worship, youth centers, public swimming pools, video arcades, alcohol or drug rehabilitation facilities, group homes for the developmentally disabled, and halfway houses or correctional facilities;

- a 50-foot setback from any residentially zones or used properties; and

- a 750-foot setback between marijuana stores.

“We feel confident that the regulations passed today will enable Adams County to best manage marijuana-related industries in unincorporated portions of the county,” said Board Chairman Charles “Chaz” Tedesco. “Our approach up to this point has served the county well by allowing us time to thoughtfully develop the regulations necessary to manage this new industry effectively.”

The county’s 16-month ban on recreational marijuana, which was enacted in August 2013, is set to expire on December 31. During last month’s election, Adams County voters authorized a 3 percent sales tax increase on all marijuana operations in the county.

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