Big Bad MJ Goes Corporate - Sayeth DMN

Noelle New Headshot Fmt Headshot

Publisher's Note - The Dallas Morning News' Chris Morris presents a well-balanced statement on weed going big. However he slightly misses the point about how Big Tobacco's salient objective to ensure long-term customers was addiction (true, and sad), and his perception of Big Marijuana's (BM's) marketing plan. BM really won't follow those lines, in this person's view. I see it much more along the lines of Big Alcohol, which markets and distributes based on a perception of choice, moderation and safety (and really attractive people having great parties). Let's be real–"don't drink and drive" awareness has saved countless lives. While the actual cultivation and distribution may mirror Big Tobacco, I see a concerted effort to more successfully mirror BA, not BT. IMO - and a "don't smoke and drive" campaign soon, too. 


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