HALIFAX -- Proposed Nova Scotia legislation would see fines as high as $10,000 for illegal marijuana sales or distribution to a person under 19, while impaired drivers will also face stiff penalties.
The fines are part of a series of penalties around the legal age, possession and cultivation of recreational cannabis included in the province's new Cannabis Control Act introduced Tuesday by Justice Minister Mark Furey.
RELATED: Canadian Cannabis News
Anyone under 19 found with less than five grams will face seizure of the drug and a fine of no more than $150. Those who buy cannabis from anyone other than the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation (NSLC) could be fined up to $250.
Furey said the province will harmonize its penalties for alcohol with those proposed for marijuana so sanctions are consistent.
"Let me be clear--driving while high is not only dangerous, it is a crime," said Furey. "And the legislation ... provides strong sanctions for those who drive impaired."