New Poll: 75% of Ohio Voters Support Medical Marijuana Legalization

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[Press Release] COLUMBUS, Ohio — Approximately three out of four Ohio voters support amending the state constitution to make medical marijuana legal for patients with terminal or debilitating conditions, according to a new poll by Public Policy Polling. 
The survey of 672 randomly selected Ohio voters was conducted February 17-18, just as advocates are preparing to launch a campaign in support of a constitutional ballot initiative to legalize medical marijuana. It found 74% of voters in favor and only 22% opposed with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.8%. The full results are available at
“It’s become pretty common knowledge that marijuana can be incredibly beneficial in the treatment of a variety of medical conditions,” said Mason Tvert, a spokesperson for Ohioans for Medical Marijuana (OMM), a committee that has been formed to support the forthcoming initiative. “It’s not surprising that a vast majority of voters agree patients should be allowed to consume it if their doctors think it could be helpful. There are few laws still on the books that are as unpopular as those that prohibit sick and dying people from accessing medical marijuana.”
OMM is currently working with local advocates to draft the initiative and expects to initiate the petitioning process later this month. If the petition drive is successful, the measure will appear on the November ballot.  
“Ohio’s current marijuana policy is antiquated and inhumane,” Tvert said. “We hope to give voters an opportunity to change that this November. We’re confident that most Ohioans will support a well-written initiative that gives seriously ill people the right to use medical marijuana if their doctors recommend it.”
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