Regulate Rhode Island Delivers Petition To General Assembly

[Press release] PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Regulate Rhode Island will deliver a petition to General Assembly leaders on Thursday signed by more than 1,300 Rhode Islanders who want them to let lawmakers vote on pending legislation that would legalize and regulate marijuana for adult use. The petition, which was launched just four weeks ago, is included below and available online at
Coalition leaders will hold a news conference Thursday at 1 p.m. ET in front of the State House, where they will call on House Speaker Nicholas Mattiello and Senate President Teresa Paiva-Weed to hold a vote on H 7752 and S 2420, known as the Marijuana Regulation, Control, and Taxation Act, before the end of the legislative session. Attendees will include the co-chairs of Regulate Rhode Island, Dr. James Crowley and Prof. Andrew Horwitz, and coalition director Jared Moffat. 
“According to polls, Rhode Island voters support legalizing and regulating marijuana for adults by a 20-point margin,” reads the petition’s introduction. “Sensible proposals to end marijuana prohibition have been introduced in the General Assembly in each of the past five years, but legislative leaders have not called for a single vote on them in either the House or the Senate. After five years of discussion and debate, it is time to let legislators decide.”
WHAT: News conference to deliver petitions to General Assembly leaders signed by more than 1,300 Rhode Islanders who want them to let lawmakers vote on pending legislation to legalize and regulate marijuana
WHEN: Thursday, June 2, 1 p.m. ET
WHERE: In front of the Rhode Island State House, 82 Smith St., Providence
WHO: Dr. James Crowley, co-chair of Regulate Rhode Island, former president of Rhode Island Medical Society
Prof. Andrew Horwitz, co-chair of Regulate Rhode Island, criminal defense lawyer
Jared Moffat, director of Regulate Rhode Island
Petition Text
House Speaker Mattiello and Senate President Paiva-Weed:
A majority of Rhode Islanders believe it is time to end the failed policy of marijuana prohibition. Regulating marijuana similarly to alcohol, as H 7752 and S 2420 would do, would make our communities safer by replacing the illicit marijuana market with legitimate taxpaying businesses. This legislation will also improve our economy by putting thousands of Rhode Islanders back to work.

Please allow a vote on the Marijuana Regulation, Control, and Taxation Act before the legislative session ends in June.

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