[Press release] The packaging and labeling temporary rules for recreational and medical marijuana will change in June 2016.
Because of the impending change, the OLCC will temporarily stop accepting all packaging and labeling applications effective immediately.
A revamped packaging and labeling applications system will be activated on Monday, August 1, 2016.
The OLCC is taking these steps now to minimize confusion because of the evolving rules, and to reduce replicative costs for businesses developing labeling and packaging.
During the suspension period the OLCC will modify the packaging and labeling pre-approval process to include an online system for accepting and processing applications.
Recreational marijuana license applicants and licensees will be able to obtain an individual account for the online packaging and labeling application process; this website will be similar to the website for the recreational marijuana license application.
Prior to the launch of the packaging and labeling website the OLCC will provide descriptive materials and other reference information to prospective applicants and other interested stakeholders.
Additional information can be found at: www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Pages/PackagingLabelingPreApproval.aspx
For additional information or if you have additional questions please contact: [email protected]
Oregon Revamps Packaging Applications System
April 28, 2016