Florida legislators are moving forward with the Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act of 2014 (Senate Bill 1030). As the application deadline passed earlier this month for cannabis cultivators hoping to enter the limited medical-marijuana market in the Sunshine State, the State Department of Health has released the list of nearly 30 applicants vying for one of five licenses (one per region: northwest, northeast, central, southwest, and southeast) to cultivate low-THC cannabis.
The applicants (and their respective regions) are:
1 McCrory’s Sunny Hill Nursery (Central)
2 Loop’s Nursery and Greenhouses, Inc. (Northeast)
3 Keith St. Germain Nursery Farms (Southeast)
4 Plants of Ruskin (Southwest)
5 Deleons’ Bromeliads, Inc. (Central)
6 Bill’s Nursery, Inc. d/b/a Almond Tree Nursery (Southeast)
7 Bill’s Nursery, Inc. d/b/a Almond Tree Nursery (Northeast)
8 Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, LLC (Northeast)
9 Costa Nursery Farms, LLC (Southeast)
10 George Hackney, Inc. d/b/a Hackney Nursery (Northwest)
11 Nature’s Way Nursery of Miami (Southeast)
12 Alpha Foliage, Inc. (Northwest)
13 Alpha Foliage, Inc. (Southwest)
14 Redland Nursery, Inc. (Central)
15 Redland Nursery, Inc. (Southeast)
16 Hart’s Plant Nursery, Inc. (Northeast)
17 Hart’s Plant Nursery, Inc. (Northwest)
18 Sun Bulb Company, Inc. (Southwest)
19 Treadwell Nursery (Central)
20 Spring Oaks Greenhouse, Inc. (Central)
21 Knox Nursery, Inc. (Central)
22 San Felasco Nurseries, Inc. d/b/a Grandiflora (Northeast)
23 Tropiflora, LLC (Southwest)
24 Dewar Nurseries, Inc. (Central)
25 Tornello Landscape Corp. d/b/a 3 Boys Farm (Southwest)
26 Perkins Nursery, Inc. (Southwest )
Tree-King Tree Farm, Inc. (Northwest)
28 Razbuton, Inc. (Central)
SB 1030, voted into law in 2014, authorizes "specified physicians to order low-THC cannabis for use by specified patients; requiring the Department of Health to create a compassionate use registry; authorizing certain medical centers to conduct research on cannabidiol and low-THC cannabis; requiring the department to establish an Office of Compassionate Use, etc."
Here are additional highlights of the bill:
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