Michigan MJ-Legalization Group Calls for Petition Signatures

Noelle New Headshot Fmt Headshot

[Press Release] -- Detroit, Michigan -- MILegalize is in the midst of a petition drive to obtain approximately 250,000 valid signatures to put a marijuana legalization initiative on the ballot in Michigan in 2016. The group began circulating the petitions in June, and plans to file them by December 21 this year. (Signatures are valid only for 180 days from the date of signing.)

Not every state has the initiative process, so citizens of Michigan have some opportunities which are not present in all other states.

This initiative will allow any city, township, village or federally recognized tribe to license (or ban, subject to referendum) any number and size facilities for cultivation, processing, or retail sale.  Michigan residency is not a requirement for investment or ownership of any facilities.

There would be a 10% tax in addition to the existing 6% sales tax applied at the point of retail sale.  The excise tax would be distributed 40% to education, 40% to transportation, and 20% to the local licensing jurisdiction.

In addition to legalizing adult use of cannabis, the MILegalize proposal provides additional protections for medical marijuana patients, and it legalizes production of industrial hemp.

The population of Michigan is almost double that of Colorado.  This is a huge opportunity for the emerging cannabis business sector to help bring a new market online in the very near future.

MILegalize already has raised over $200,000, but will need four times that amount to make the ballot.

Donations can be made online at www.milegalize.com, or checks may be made payable to MILegalize, and sent to PO Box 1358, East Lansing, MI 48826.

Source: MILegalize

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