ResponsibleOhio Responds to Criticism, HIGH TIMES Follows-Up with Rebuttal

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Editor's Note: Industry constituents (and other marijuana-legalization advocates in Ohio, including a group called Better for Ohio) have been concerned over ResponsibleOhio’s proposed ballot initiative, which specifically names 10 sites (to be owned by wealthy campaign financers) as the only places where cannabis could be grown. Last week, Ohio lawmakers put their collective foot down with a proposal to "block groups from installing private property rights in the Ohio Constitution — much like the casino owners did and the advocates for legalizing marijuana want to do this fall."

Last month, HIGH TIMES published a column criticizing a marijuana legalization proposal by a group known as ResponsibleOhio. The piece, written by long-time HIGH TIMES contributor Jon Gettman, was titled "Irresponsible Ohio: Group Aims to Monopolize Legal Marijuana Market," and it elicited quite the reaction from ResponsibleOhio and its supporters. 

Below find an unedited response from Ian James, ResponsibleOhio Executive Director; followed by aHIGH TIMES rebuttal


Working for Legalization and Public Safety in Ohio

By Ian James, ResponsibleOhio Executive Director

I was raised here in Ohio. I grew up in Appalachia, went to college in my hometown and despite living in several other states as a young adult, I returned to my home state and have never regretted the decision. I love this state—I love our diversity, our passion and the important role we play on the national political stage.

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