Washington Now Accepting Retail Marijuana License Applications

Washington Applications New

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The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board has released the following update, announcing that it begins accepting and processing new retail applications Oct. 12:

Starting Monday, October 12, the WSLCB will begin accepting and processing applications for retail marijuana licenses using the priority criteria set forth in the Cannabis Patient Protection Act. Below is a step by step guide to help applicants better understand how the process works. Please visit the WSLCB Marijuana section of the website for more information. Thank you.

Retail License Application Process

  1. October 12 – retail application opportunity opens. Potential applicants may complete an online application with Business Licensing Services (BLS) at the Department of Revenue and also check the medical marijuana endorsement if they intend to sell medical products.
  2. There is no rush to apply. Please do not do so until you have the required documentation to verify your priority category. Applications without the required documentation may be withdrawn.

    Note: Existing licensees can download the medical marijuana endorsement application on the LCB website.

    1. BLS will transfer the application to the LCB and Customer Service will work the application prior to sending it for priority verification.
    2. When the application is received in priority verification an electronic form titled “Marijuana Priority Verification” will be emailed to the primary applicants via DocuSign.
    3. Please read the form and submit the documentation necessary to establish the priority category you believe you fall in. If the applicant doesn’t have any of the experience listed in Priority 1 or Priority 2 then they are only required to sign the form electronically and submit. If the applicant has documents to submit they can attach them in a PDF to the form, sign electronically and then submit.
    4. After the form and any supporting documents are received, the submitted items will be evaluated to determine priority.
    5. Once a priority is established a letter will be emailed to the applicant informing them either:
    6. o    They are a Priority 1 and their application will be assigned to an investigator shortly


      o    They are a Priority 2 or 3 and will be placed on standby until we finish processing Priority 1 applications. Priority 2/3 applicants will be given an additional two weeks to provide more documentation should they feel the priority evaluation isn’t accurate.

      Once the letter is emailed an attachment form to submit additional documents will be sent to their email through DocuSign.

      1. Once a final priority has been assigned the applications will be distributed to licensing staff based on their priority. All Priority 1’s will be assigned to licensing staff prior to assigning 2’s or 3’s.
      2. There is no guarantee we will get to all priorities, it will depend on how many applicants qualify in each level.

        1. When the application is assigned to a licensing specialist they will send an electronic location confirmation form to the applicant giving the applicant two weeks to respond with an address they would like to move forward with.
        2. When the licensing specialist receives the form back they will do all of the necessary vetting of that proposed location. If the location doesn’t qualify the application will be withdrawn and the applicant can re-apply once they find a new location.
        3. Applicants will not lose their assigned priority if the application is withdrawn.

          1. Once the address is vetted the applicant will begin the licensing process with their licensing specialist which includes a telephone interview, sending of a local authority notice, submission of documents regarding entity structure, real property, operating plan, finances, etc.
          2. The rest of the licensing process is identical to current process to include complete review of documents, fingerprinting, traceability, final inspection, etc.
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