Respect State Marijuana Laws Act Intro'd in House

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Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) has reintroduced the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act in the U.S. House of Representatives, according to the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP). "This short, simple bill would resolve the tension between state and federal marijuana laws by making an exception to federal law for activity in compliance with state laws that regulate marijuana for medical or adult-use purposes," reports the MPP.

Rep. Dana RohrabacherRep. Dana Rohrabacher

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

In a letter to MPP constituents and supporters, Dan Riffle, MPP's director of federal policy, wrote that while the MPP supports numerous bills to reform marijuana law, Rep. Rohrabacker's bill stand outs because it covers "not just medical marijuana, but adult-use laws passed in four states and Washington, D.C. – and has the best chance of passing. Last year, we passed an amendment very similar to this bill, thanks to broad bipartisan support for respecting state laws, and this year the bill has twice as many Republicans on board than when it was introduced last year."

Riffle encourages marijuana law reform advocates to "ask your members of Congress to co-sponsor this historic legislation. When you’re done, please ask your friends to do the same, or post this message on your social media pages."

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