BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) - Supporters of a ballot initiative campaign that would legalize marijuana for medical purposes turned in about 17,600 signatures Monday, saying they were confident their efforts would put the issue to a statewide vote.
Backers of the so-called North Dakota Compassionate Care Act must have 13,500 qualified signatures to put it to a statewide vote in the Nov. 8 general election. Secretary of State Al Jaeger has about one month to decide whether the petitions are sufficient.
“Families worked very hard to get this on the ballot,” said Mary Rennich, of Bismarck, who was one of about a dozen people who turned in the signatures on Monday at the state Capitol in Bismarck. She said her 25-year-old son suffers from epileptic seizures and hoped that legalizing marijuana for medical purposes would help.
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N.D. Medical Marijuana Group Submits Signatures