Mass. Lawmakers Endorse Commercial Marijuana Ballot Question

The campaign to legalize adult marijuana use in Massachusetts announced endorsements Thursday from 10 state lawmakers, who said a ballot question’s passage in the fall would generate new tax revenues and end marijuana prohibition laws that they called a failure.

“It’s time we got this over with. The prohibition approach to the control of marijuana use just has not worked,” Sen. Will Brownsberger of Belmont, co-chair of the Legislature’s Judiciary Committee, said in a statement released by the Yes on 4 campaign.

The campaign also announced endorsements from Sens. Patricia Jehlen of Somerville and Jamie Eldridge of Acton and Reps. David Rogers and Marjorie Decker of Cambridge, Tom Sannicandro of Framingham, Michael Moran of Brighton, Jay Livingstone of Boston, Brian Mannal of Centerville and Mary Keefe of Worcester.

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