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Cannabis Harvest Restrictions Aim to Starve Oregon's Black Market

The Oregon Liquor Control Commission will soon announce new cannabis harvest regulations.

Marijuana Trim Adobe Stock Credit Capjah Resized

The Oregon Liquor Control Commission will soon announce new cannabis harvest regulations.

The harvest doesn’t arrive until September, but a large over-supply of cannabis last year seriously depressed prices. And state regulators worry all that excess cannabis is flowing into the black market. If that market grows too big, it could prompt a federal government crackdown.

So the OLCC has drafted new rules to better monitor the harvest. The rules would require outdoor growers give the state advance notice before harvesting and several possible harvest dates.

The goal is to keep growers focused only on the amount of cannabis that can be sold on the legal, regulated market; a rogue grower, the thinking goes, will be less likely to divert crops to the black market if they know regulators could turn-up at any time.

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Top Image: © Capjah | Adobe Stock

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