Recreational Marijuana Petition Rejected by Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine

The "Marijuana Rights and Regulations Amendment" to the Ohio Constitution would allow people age 21 and older to possess, produce, transport, use, sell and share cannabis.

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COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine rejected a recreational marijuana legalization measure backed by a group of Ohio marijuana advocates, his office announced Thursday afternoon.

The "Marijuana Rights and Regulations Amendment" to the Ohio Constitution would allow people age 21 and older to possess, produce, transport, use, sell and share cannabis.

The legislature would have to create laws treating marijuana impairment similar to those of alcohol, and Ohio residents would have first dibs on marijuana business licenses. The amendment would leave in place Ohio's nascent medical marijuana program.

Unlike Ohio's failed 2015 legalization measure, the new amendment is not backed by wealthy investors, nor does it promise business licenses to campaign backers.

DeWine's job at this early stage in the ballot issue process is to certify that the summary included on petitions accurately describes the proposed amendment.

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