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Michigan to Allow Home Cultivation of Marijuana

Marijuana enthusiasts will be able to grow cannabis at home after the state Senate failed to get a supermajority vote to make changes to the recreational marijuana ballot proposal approved Nov. 6.

Marijuana Plant In Pot Adobe Stock Credit Adam Resized
Top Image: © Adam | Adobe Stock

LANSING – Marijuana enthusiasts will be able to grow cannabis at home after all as the state Senate failed on Thursday to muster a supermajority vote to make changes to the recreational marijuana ballot proposal voters approved in the Nov. 6 election.

The biggest change in the bill proposed by Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof, R-Grand Haven, would have dropped the provision that would allow people to grow 12 plants at home for personal use.

Meekhof said he wanted to prevent a flood of marijuana into neighborhoods by people growing their own cannabis, but by 8:30 p.m. Thursday, it became clear that he didn't have the three-quarters supermajority vote necessary to make changes to the ballot proposal.

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