Nebraska Sen. Anna Wishart Will Introduce Medical Cannabis Bill in Early 2019

While filibusters have extinguished four prior legalization measures in Nebraska, the Lincoln Democrat said she’s working on a new proposal.

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Colorado Rep. Chris Holbert offered a bit of advice for his counterparts in Nebraska: Consider putting marijuana in your statute books before voters put it in your Constitution. Doing so would give lawmakers more flexibility to set sensible regulations, address unforeseen problems and save public funds, he argued.

“I’d tell them to do this legislatively, not constitutionally,” he said.

Nebraska State Sen. Anna Wishart says she’s going to give her colleagues that opportunity in early 2019 when she introduces another medical cannabis bill.

While filibusters have extinguished four prior legalization measures in Nebraska, the Lincoln Democrat said she’s working on a new proposal. Although she tried to pass a resolution to put the issue on the ballot earlier this year, Wishart said she’s convinced that a legislative approach would be better for the state.

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