Arkansans Show Growing Impatience With Medical Marijuana Commission, Processes

Almost two years after Arkansas voters approved medical marijuana, the process to make it available continues.

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LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (KTHV) - During a public hearing Friday, Oct. 26, about 20 people took their chance to address Arkansas's Medical Marijuana Commission. Among the attorneys and applicants for cultivation and dispensary licenses were patients approved for a medical marijuana card who said they are tired of waiting.

“I'm here today to ask you to please make opening the dispensaries a priority in your lives for the patients and the families of patients in Arkansas,” Lorna Knox, a patient who qualifies for medical marijuana, told the commission.

Knox was first prescribed medical marijuana for muscle spasms when she lived in California. She moved home to Arkansas in November 2016 – the same month voters approved medical cannabis.

As the process continues to make medical marijuana available in Arkansas, Knox said she must travel back to California in order to purchase it.

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