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New Manitoba Legislation Does Not Allow Home Cultivation

People found with plants would be guilty of a provincial offence, and possibly subject to a fine.

Manitoba Map Dreamstime Credit Marko Bukorovic Resized

The Manitoba government has tabled its legislation to regulate the sale of Cannabis.

It has set the minimum age to buy marijuana at 19 years of age.

"By setting the legal minimum purchase recreational use of cannabis at 19 years of age, the Manitoba government has demonstrated its commitment to safe and healthy school communities students can continue to grow and learn through to graduation," said Ken Cameron, president of the Manitoba School Boards Association in a release.

RELATED: Canadian Cannabis News

Similar to alcohol, it will be an offence to provide pot to a young person, and for a young person to possess it.  And much like liquor, it will be against the law to provide cannabis to an intoxicated person. 

People will not be allowed to grow marijuana at home under this legislation. People found with one to four plants would be guilty of a provincial offence, and possibly subject to a fine.

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Top image: © Marko Bukorovic |

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