The Desperate Lies of Josh Marquis Part IV: Where’s the Marijuana Breathalyzer?

Noelle New Headshot Fmt Headshot

As the leading law enforcement voice for the anti-Measure 91 campaign to legalize marijuana in Oregon, Clatsop County District Attorney Josh Marquis is tasked with delivering half-truths, distortions, and manufactured scares to convince Oregonians to maintain the status quo of ticketing pot users, arresting pot dealers, and imprisoning pot growers.

In one of his recent Facebook posts, Marquis warns about the impending doom of Stoned Mayhem on the Freeways if Oregon passes Measure 91:

"As a DA I see too much damage done by drugs and alcohol -particularly mixed with driving. In Clatsop County there are only 2 trained DRE (drug recognition experts) cops and no real test that scientifically shows impairment by pot (many commenters claim it makes them BETTER driver ?!?)"

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