Canada's Proposed Cannabis Regulations Open Door to Craft Growers, Licensing Non-Violent Offenders

Liberals are giving Canadians until Jan. 20 to respond to new marijuana rules.

Rules And Regulations Folder Dreamstime Credit Edgars Sermulis Resized

Federal Health Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor has released the Liberal government's proposed cannabis regulations, opening the door to craft marijuana producers, allowing low-risk offenders to participate in the industry and offering some leeway on packaging.

Canadians have until Jan. 20 to offer opinions either through an online questionnaire or by providing a written submission on the measures before they are implemented.

"This proposed regulatory approach is informed by the extensive consultations to date, and it supports our overarching goal of protecting public health and safety," the minister said in a statement. "We look forward to hearing the views of Canadians from across the country."

 UPDATE: House of Commons Passes Canadian Marijuana Legislation, Bill Moves to Senate

The proposed regulations set out how the federal government will restrict and control the production and distribution of marijuana once it becomes legal in July 2018.

The six broad areas that will be subject to government regulations include: licensing, security clearances, cannabis tracking, cannabis products, packaging and labeling, medical marijuana and health and cosmetic products that use cannabis.

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Top image: © Edgars Sermulis |

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