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Toronto Police Defend Marijuana Raids At News Conference

It was meant as a calm follow-up, to showcase drug seizures and justify the raids on pot dispensaries, complete with smashed door glass, of the day before.

Instead, Friday’s police news conference turned to turmoil as marijuana advocates hurled questions at Chief Mark Saunders while he laid out the figures of “Project Claudia.”

Officers hit 43 unlicensed marijuana dispensaries across the city Thursday. They slapped criminal charges on 90 dispensary owners and employees and confiscated more than 270 kilograms of pot. Among the spoils were $160,000 in cash, 127 kilograms of oils and spreads, and 142 kilograms of pot-infused cookies.

Saunders said Friday the raids, carried out in sync with city licensing staff, were “not an attack on lawful production, distribution or purchasing of marijuana for medical purposes.”

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