[Press release] Medicinal cannabis can be grown well in greenhouses under LED lighting. Some varieties of cannabis plants grown under LED lighting may even produce more medicinally active substances than if they had been grown under lighting that is just as intensive using SON-T lamps. This was confirmed by a study conducted by Wageningen University & Research Centre. The study also revealed that medicinal cannabis can be grown well under high lighting levels. The study was commissioned by Lemnis Oreon, a developer and producer of LED lighting concepts and PB Techniek, a supplier that caters to the international horticulture sector.
Experts in greenhouse technology at Wageningen University & Research Centre conducted a study in the spring of 2016 into the influence of cultivation conditions on the growth and yield of medicinal cannabis. The study measured, among other aspects, the quantities of Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) produced. Cannabidiol (CBD) is used in the Netherlands to treat such diseases as Multiple Sclerosis. THC is used to combat and alleviate medical conditions such as Tourette syndrome or therapy-resistant glaucoma, and such complaints as weight loss, nausea and vomiting. The demand for medicinal cannabis is increasing strongly all over the world, while the demand for safe, reliable and efficient production methods is growing concurrently. With this study, Wageningen UR aims to contribute its stone’s worth to the knowledge needed to achieve this.
Click here to read the full report of Wageningen UR.