Australian Greens Propose Full Legalization of Cannabis

The move issues stark contrast against the Coalition and Labor, which support a medical cannabis program.

Grow Room

The Greens have proposed full legalisation of cannabis – including for recreational use – with a new government agency to act as the single wholesaler of plain-packaged cannabis.

People would also be allowed to grow up to six marijuana plants at home for their personal use under the new policy, which was announced by Richard Di Natale on Monday.

The policy is the first time a party with significant federal representation has backed full legalisation, providing a point of difference with the Coalition and Labor, which both support a scheme initiated in 2016 to legalise cannabis for medicinal use only.

Under the plan cannabis would be taxed and regulated in much the same way as alcohol and tobacco. It would be sold to adults by licensed shops and attract GST as well as federal excise tax.

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