Ora Pharm Awarded Callaghan Innovation Grant For Environmentally Friendly Innovative Technology to Grow High-Yield New Zealand Medicinal Cannabis

The company will be able to reduce the environmental impact in New Zealand by reducing the volume of raw materials that need to be imported.

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Ora Pharm, a New Zealand-based cannabis company, has been awarded a Callaghan Innovation Grant to develop environmentally friendly and innovative technology to cultivate medical cannabis in New Zealand that will ensure consistent quality, potency and yield.

By creating a solution for growing medical cannabis under New Zealand's local conditions, Ora Pharm will reduce the environmental impact by reducing the volume of raw materials that need to be imported.

This trial will further investigate more efficient and better growing practices and products. Ora Pharm's commitment to supporting health and wellness extends to the land. Its facilities are specifically designed to reduce energy and water usage and minimize environmental impact. The company draws most of its energy from the sun and collects rainwater from the roofs to help water its plants.

Ora Pharm's innovative R&D will also benefit other businesses in NZ, as many products will be sourced locally rather than globally, providing jobs in rural areas. Ora Pharm will be creating a prototype for commercial applications.

Since medicinal cannabis is a new industry, few products are available specifically for cultivators in this sector, which are tried and tested over multiple growing cycles.

Finding the right growing combination will require a creative and unique trial procedure to compare with current industry practice, as infinite combinations can be delivered to the plant to meet their growing needs. 
The R&D team is led by Andrew Hutchinson, the head grower at Ora Pharm, who has worked in several horticulture industries and holds a Horticultural science degree from Massey University. Warren King, Ph.D., is a senior research scientist with AgResearch in Hamilton with more than 25 years' experience in Australia and New Zealand. Zoe Reece is the founder and CEO of Ora Pharm, who brings extensive cannabis industry experience from leading the build of one of the largest cannabis companies in the world, Curaleaf, and is the deputy chair of the New Zealand Medicinal Cannabis Council. 
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