The Toronto StarFrom The Toronto StarDispensaryLottery for Ontario Retail Cannabis Licences to Take Place Next WeekThe Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario says "expressions of interest" can be submitted online Jan. 7-9.January 4, 2019Legislation and RegulationWashington Governor Reassures B.C. Ahead of Cannabis Legalization But Advises More RegulationGov. Jay Inslee assured the Canadian public that the “fears” of skeptics have not been realized.October 11, 2018DispensaryOntario Defends Plan to Allow Marijuana Smoking in Public Places“We’ve all come to the conclusion that mirroring the Smoke Free Ontario Act is the best way to do this."September 28, 2018ColoradoAs Canada Prepares to Legalize Pot, Colorado Offers AdviceMay 2, 2017Page 1 of 1