Michelle Simakis has more than a decade of experience in publishing and media. She joined Cannabis Business Times in 2019, and for the past four years, in collaboration with a team of editors, designers, and regular contributors, has helped produce one of the leading business magazines serving plant-touching cannabis companies in the industry. In 2021, she was recognized as one of Folio’s Top Women in Media, receiving an “Up and Comers” award. Previously, she was editor of Garden Center magazine, a trade publication serving independent garden centers, and helped launch the brand’s first conference in 2018. Before joining GIE Media in 2012, Simakis launched one of the first Patch websites in Northeast Ohio, delivering daily news updates covering everything from city council updates to crime to arts for residents of Cleveland Heights. She has also contributed features to Cleveland-based news organizations such as Fresh Water Cleveland.
Michelle Simakis
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