CT Post.From CT PostLegislation and RegulationLegalizing Cannabis in Connecticut Passes Crucial CommitteeLegalizing recreational cannabis use is a significant priority of Gov. Ned Lamont.May 2, 2019Legislation and RegulationConnecticut Hearing on Taxation of Recreational Marijuana Turns Into Broader DebateSupporters of legalization highlighted the state’s opportunity to revitalize urban communities while bringing new revenue to the state.April 30, 2019Legislation and RegulationWide-Ranging Marijuana Bills Offered in ConnecticutBills in three different committees will be the core of the General Assembly’s wide-reaching legislation on the full legalization of marijuana for recreational use and retail sales.March 15, 2019ConnecticutLegal Marijuana Will Receive Public Hearing in Hartford, Conn.Whether the bill receives a vote in the House or Senate remains to be seen.February 19, 2018Legislation and RegulationMichigan Issues Rules Before Start of Marijuana LicensingThe emergency rules will remain in effect for at least six months until permanent ones are finalized.December 5, 2017Page 1 of 1