Mila Kellen MarshallHerb & Planning Associates | Principal OwnerFrom Mila Kellen MarshallInterviews & OpinionCannabis Provides a Unique Opportunity to Promote Sustainable, Environmentally Friendly Business PracticesIn this interview, we share perspectives from the Illinois Environmental Council and Cresco Labs.April 22, 2021Interviews & OpinionBuilding a More Inclusive Industry: Q&A with Corey Barnette of District Growers“We have to build long-term relationships to build a stronger cannabis community among ourselves to be competitive and profitable for years to come,” Corey Barnette says.February 24, 2021Interviews & OpinionIllinois’ Community College Cannabis Vocational Pilot Program Sets Stage for Students Eager to Enter IndustryThe pilot program is seen as a component of broader workplace training platforms for the cannabis industry—as well as a piece of the Illinois social equity vision.November 19, 2020Page 1 of 1