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Colorado Infographic Fmt


The number of adult Colorado residents (in 2014) who consumed cannabis at least once a year (based on “recent marijuana prevalence estimates for Colorado, adjusted for population growth and underreporting”).

130.3 tons

The estimated total marijuana market demand for adult Colorado residents and non-residents.*

53.3 tons

The amount by which the demand for marijuana exceeds the legal supply in Colorado.*


The percent of Colorado’s marijuana market that is consumed for medical purposes.

*Based on a 2014 report | Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s “2015 World Drug Report.”

Black Leaf Fmt

The number of licensed marijuana producers in Canada under the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations program.

Source: Health Canada

Dreamstime 24727885 Fmt


The approximate tax revenue generated in the first month of Illinois’ medical marijuana program.

Source: Chicago Tribune

$11 million

Marijuana sales from Oregon dispensaries in the first week that early recreational sales were permitted (at medical marijuana dispensaries) under Measure 91.



The estimated number of small marijuana farms in California; 4,000 grow operations are estimated to be in Humboldt County alone.

Source: Scientific American

Dreamstime Xxl 51378430 Fmt

$1.8 million

The fine a California medical marijuana dispensary faced after operating outside San Diego’s zoning regulations.

Source: The San Diego Union Tribune

Five Gallons Fmt


The amount of water per plant “taken by legal and illegal water diversions” in California.

Source: Scientific American

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