The number of adult Colorado residents (in 2014) who consumed cannabis at least once a year (based on “recent marijuana prevalence estimates for Colorado, adjusted for population growth and underreporting”).
130.3 tons
The estimated total marijuana market demand for adult Colorado residents and non-residents.*
53.3 tons
The amount by which the demand for marijuana exceeds the legal supply in Colorado.*
The percent of Colorado’s marijuana market that is consumed for medical purposes.
*Based on a 2014 report | Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s “2015 World Drug Report.”The number of licensed marijuana producers in Canada under the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations program.
Source: Health Canada
The approximate tax revenue generated in the first month of Illinois’ medical marijuana program.
Source: Chicago Tribune
$11 million
Marijuana sales from Oregon dispensaries in the first week that early recreational sales were permitted (at medical marijuana dispensaries) under Measure 91.
Source: KGW.com
The estimated number of small marijuana farms in California; 4,000 grow operations are estimated to be in Humboldt County alone.
Source: Scientific American
$1.8 million
The fine a California medical marijuana dispensary faced after operating outside San Diego’s zoning regulations.
Source: The San Diego Union Tribune
The amount of water per plant “taken by legal and illegal water diversions” in California.
Source: Scientific American