After graduating from Howard University, Tahir Johnson spent several years working as a financial adviser for firms such as PNC, SunTrust Banks and Morgan Stanley. But for the past three years, Johnson has been working in a variety of roles in cannabis business and policy, including helping lead social equity initiatives at the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA).
In April, the U.S. Cannabis Council (USCC), a coalition of industry businesses, advocacy organizations and associations, announced Johnson’s appointment as director of social equity and inclusion, leading social equity initiatives at the state and federal level and helping member cannabis businesses improve diversity. Johnson also continues to host his Cannabis Diversity Report podcast, interviewing people of color who work across the industry.
Johnson spoke with Cannabis Business Times about his priorities in his new role and how he plans to hold companies accountable for their social equity programs and plans. Editor’s note: This interview has been edited for length style and clarity.
1) Michelle Simakis: What is one of the most important aspects of your role and your priority at the U.S. Cannabis Council?
Tahir Johnson: One of the great parts about my role is that I'm also dually employed with the Marijuana Policy Project. What that does is give me the opportunity to work together with our policy teams and have a great impact across a number of areas and to make sure that social equity is always at the forefront of our agenda.
2) MS: What social equity programs do you envision helping launch at USCC member companies?
TJ: I want to pilot programs with historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) because I believe that can be a pipeline for careers and economic opportunity in the industry. I would like to bring in traditional social justice and civil rights organizations and really unify the social equity community to able to push our agenda for social equity … and [organize] a social equity summit. I really want to enforce accountability, so making sure that we have tools to hold our members accountable and that our companies have best practices for social equity.
3) MS: What would holding companies accountable look like?
TJ: It’s tracking diversity metrics across organizations, and then also programs. We have some great members that have great social responsibility programs focused on social equity, so to be able to replicate those examples across the industry.
Also when I think of corporate social responsibility plans, the Eaze (a USCC member) Momentum Program in particular [has] more resources and training, and they actually give grants to operators and access to capital, [which is] one of the most difficult problems for startup businesses. That is a program that I really admire.
4) MS: Where does recruitment need to begin to bring about real change and inclusion in the cannabis industry?
TJ: As a Howard University alum, you saw the largest corporations in America come to HBCUs to get the best and brightest talent. Through hiring those individuals, it gives an opportunity to build a diverse workforce with people that can be leaders in companies.
It’s important to not just hire people at the lower levels, but also hire people as executives. When you look at corporate America, that's a problem. When you have diversity at companies, they actually hire other diverse people, so it has an impact.
5) MS: Beyond hiring, how else can companies promote inclusion and support a diverse workforce?
TJ: One of the things that worked well [at Morgan Stanley] is employee resource groups, so that employees can network with others within the organization. (Editor’s note: Johnson served on the diversity council at Morgan Stanley.) There’s so many studies that show that having a diverse leadership at organizations makes the company more profitable, and it increases employee engagement.