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Quotes, quips and other quick bits.

Editor's Note: In the effort to protect the health and safety of our attendees, employees and communities amidst the developments of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) global pandemic, we have made the difficult decision not to hold Cannabis Conference 2020 in April and are actively working with our meeting hotel, Paris Las Vegas Resort & Casino, to determine potential alternative dates for the event. 

Hemp Grower editors pulled together some of their favorite quotes from interviews with the speakers who will lead educational sessions on all aspects of operating plant-touching cannabis businesses, including hemp, during the conference.

Janna Beckerman 2020 Headshot Fmt
 Photo courtesy of Janna Beckerman

“I think this is one of these fields where people are very enthusiastic going in, and they can become quickly discouraged with some of the problems. I think the problems are to be expected, but they can be managed. You need to be patient and take the opportunity to learn.”

Janna Beckerman, professor and extension plant pathologist, Department of Plant Pathology, Purdue University

Dan Sutton 2020 Headshot Fmt
 Photo courtesy of Dan Sutton

“... business fundamentals are the core of this game. Love for cannabis, love for the marketplace, love for your customer—all of these things serve your ability to create a consistently profitable enterprise. ... At the end of the day, we have to make successful businesses if we want to see these dreams persist.”

Dan Sutton, CEO/founder, Tantalus Labs

Jade Stefano 2020 Headshot Fmt
Stefano: Jake Gravbrot

“... be willing to cull plants that are not doing so well. Sometimes, you have to kill plants. You don’t want to have to fight. If something has taken hold that is not good, you need to just start fresh sometimes. Using quality inputs and organic practices can really help with plant health as well.”

Jade Stefano, co-founder and CEO of Puffin Farm and member of the Hemp Grower Editorial Advisory Board

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