“The biggest disruption opportunity related to cannabis plants at large is to use the whole plant and hemp for what it can do. And there’s over 200 categories of things that you can disrupt.”
Bruce Linton, former CEO of Canopy Growth Corp. and CEO of Collective Growth Corp.—a special purpose acquisition company that went public on the Nasdaq exchange in May and aims to build out the hemp supply chain in the U.S.—commented in a Forbes.com article, “Bruce Linton On His $150M Venture: ‘Hemp’s Disruptive Potential Is Higher Than CBD.’”
Source: Forbes

“Please, have the courage to get these people home.”
Tom Jubin, a lawyer for mother-and-son hemp farmers Debra Palm-Egle and Joshua Egle, pleaded with a Laramie County, Wyo., judge in his closing comments during the preliminary hearing where prosecutors sought to charge the farmers with drug trafficking. The charges were pressed after the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation raided the Egles’ farm in November 2019 and seized more than 700 pounds of hemp that tested above 0.3% THC, with the highest testing at 0.6%. The judge dismissed all charges in August.
Source: WyoFile

“… we knew that the 0.3% THC was an outdated and artificially low definition for hemp, but it was the best we could achieve in the 2014 and 2018 Farm Bills. … We really felt it was important to begin working to get that changed. So, we started out with a petition. We figured that’s a great place to start to demonstrate that there is strong support for this.”
Vote Hemp President Eric Steenstra commented in an interview on HempGrower.com about the organization’s efforts to increase the hemp THC threshold to 1%, including a petition the organization plans to submit to Congress. Read the full interview at bit.ly/VoteHempPetition.
Source: Hemp Grower

“We’ll be able to recover most of our acres. The hard thing is some farmers’ fields are completely lost—zero. They’ve been eaten down to the nub. What should look like a green stand looks like a wheat stubble field.”
Benjamin Brimlow, an agronomist with hemp oilseed and fiber company IND HEMP, describes the grasshopper infestation destroying some farmers’ hemp fields throughout Montana. To read about the infestation and lessons the growers will take into next year, read bit.ly/HGGrasshoppers.
Source: Hemp Grower