As the new editor of Hemp Grower, I want to introduce myself and share some information about my background and where the publication is heading.
I have been a journalist and editor for 20 years, during which I spent time covering Congress and federal agencies in Washington, D.C. More importantly, I come from a family that ran a small business. I was raised in and worked for the family auto parts business, which my father and mother built from nothing. I was there for every challenge, struggle and triumph. I have seen up close how difficult it can be to run a business, and that helps drive my desire to see you succeed.
As Hemp Grower starts publishing monthly (instead of bimonthly) in January 2021, it is more important than ever that the magazine provides you with the best insights and strategic guidance possible to ensure you and your business are successful. To this end, please contact me at [email protected] to let me know what issues matter the most to you, such as the challenges you face, topics you’d like to learn more about, and any feedback on our coverage.
Before we head into the new year, however, we wanted to close out this year strongly; this issue contains more than 70 tips on topics ranging from cultivation and raising capital to greenhouse maintenance and more. It also includes stories that I believe will inspire you and help grow your business.
I have seen up close how difficult it can be to run a business, and that helps drive my desire to see you succeed.
The cover story chronicles the journey of Charlotte’s Web as it grew from a small startup to the leading cannabidiol (CBD) producer in the nation, sharing its lessons learned and how it is navigating both regulatory uncertainty and the economic fallout from the pandemic.
The story of Charlotte’s Web illustrates how we can all learn from both adversity and triumph.
I look forward to being a part of your journey as Hemp Grower helps you navigate such challenges and opportunities so you can find success in the new year and beyond.