Hemp Farmers Expressing Concerns Over USDA Rules While Preparing for 2020 Season

U.S. hemp farmers are planning for the 2020 season and hoping to make some progress on any lessons learned last year.

Hemp Crop Samuel
Samuel/Adobe Stock

U.S. hemp farmers are planning for the 2020 season and hoping to make some progress on any lessons learned last year. Whether it's a matter of soil quality, planting time, irrigation or the dreaded "hot" THC threshold, licensed farmers have a lot on their plates. The U.S. Department of Agriculture isn't make it much easier to get into the industry. 

Here, we've rounded up a sample of recent articles that shine a light on farmers' worries as we all get ready for this next season. The overarching theme is one of federal oversight. Now that the crop is legal in the U.S., will regulators work with farmers to develop an amenable marketplace?

Send a message to digital editor Eric Sandy with your own concerns for your farm this year. What obstacles are weighing on your 2020 plans? What stories can we illuminate that will help your business succeed this year?

Proposed U.S. Hemp Regulations Worry Booming Industry (AP)

Maine Taking Last Comments About Hemp Farming Rules (AP)

Vermont Hemp Growers in a 'Panic' Over Proposed Regulations (VTDigger)

New Federal Rules Could Put Minnesota's Booming Hemp Industry 'in Jeopardy,' Ag Officials Warn (The Star Tribune)

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