Colorado Hemp Advisory Committee Application Deadline Extended to July 9

Members of the HAC serve three-year terms to advise the state’s department of agriculture and confer on all matters regarding the regulation of hemp.

Broomfield, Colo. - Nominations for the Hemp Advisory Committee (HAC) in Colorado have been extended until Friday, July 9 at 5 pm. The Colorado Department of Agriculture encourages those who are interested and match the position categories to submit their applications before the deadline.

The HAC provides advice to the commissioner by reviewing proposed rules and recommending new rules or changes to existing rules, including rules that establish CDA’s inspection program to determine THC concentration. Members of the HAC serve three-year terms to advise the department and confer on all matters regarding the regulation of hemp. They assist the Commissioner and program staff in promulgating rules to carry out the Hemp Act, Title 35, Article 61. The HAC will meet once a quarter (four times a year).

The HAC is made up of 10 members and there are six vacancies on the committee that need to be filled. The application deadline has been extended, with all applications now due Friday, July 9 by 5 p.m. MT. 

The Department is seeking nominations for the following positions:

  • One member with experience in industrial hemp regulation
  • One member representing the hemp manufacturing industry
  • One member representing small hemp businesses
  • One member who is a citizen advocate for industrial hemp
  • One member who is a representative from the cannabinoid industry
  • One member who represents certified seed growers

More information about the positions can be found in this description of duties. To submit a nomination, interested parties should use the official nomination form and email it to [email protected] no later than July 9, 2021 at 5 p.m. MT.

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