In a First, Cannabis Company Wins Chamber Leadership Award

Boulder Chamber awards Terrapin Care Station Innovative Business of the Year.

Boulder, Colo. — March 13, 2018 — In a nod to a maturing cannabis industry, the Boulder Chamber on March 7 presented Terrapin Care Station with its Innovative Business of the Year award.

The honor was the first significant award presented by the Boulder Chamber to a cannabis company, and it is believed to be one of the first such awards given statewide or nationally to a cannabis business by a chamber of commerce.

“This is the first time a marijuana business has been recognized by the Boulder Chamber and I imagine it’s one of the first times such a business has been recognized by a major chamber organization in Colorado,” said John Tayer, president and chief executive of the Boulder Chamber.

“Terrapin Care Station has demonstrated its innovative spirit in its successful navigation of the risks and challenges associated with an entirely new industry, as well as through its demonstration of responsible business practices and positive corporate citizenship in an industry that suffered from early stigmatization,” Tayer continued.

The award comes on the heels of a grand opening celebrated by Terrapin Care Station on March 1 at the company’s newly-remodeled store on Mississippi Avenue in Aurora, Colo. The Aurora Chamber of Commerce was in attendance for a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and the nearly 4,500 square feet of added retail space was recognized by Aurora Mayor Steve Hogan and City Council members.

Terrapin Care Station was also recognized by the Colorado Senate for its commitment to driving local economies through innovative business practices. Senate President Kevin Grantham, R-Canon City, signed an official commendation on Jan. 30 congratulating Terrapin Care Station for “being named a Boulder Chamber Innovative Company of the Year.”

“Thank you for making such a positive impact in the Boulder business community,” the commendation states.

The Senate honor was requested by Sen. Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder, whose district includes where Terrapin Care Station is headquartered in Boulder.

“I’m happy to show my support for Terrapin Care Station as an important contributor to the thriving business community of Boulder,” Fenberg said. “Terrapin has become a well-known and well-trusted place of business that the people of Boulder frequent because they know they’ll be taken care of.”

Colorado’s cannabis industry provides about 35,000 direct employment jobs, generating an economic impact of $2.4 billion. Marijuana taxes, license and fee revenue amounted to $247 million in 2017.

“One of the most innovative things that Terrapin Care Station did was join the Boulder Chamber eight years ago,” said Chris Woods, founder, owner and chief executive of Terrapin Care Station. “Today, we are active with Chambers of Commerce in every city we operate in. Every day, more and more people acknowledge the cannabis industry's contributions to communities, and so fewer people are viewing it as a fringe business that is different than any other.”

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