Editor's Note: This is a wise and likely to be profitable effort–considering, as this article points out, that most people don't want to eat just a piece of a cookie. Lowering the THC content also enables novice MJ consumers a milder experience, something which has been a bit of a concern in national media, with consumers not expecting the strong high that edibles can induce, or over-consuming beyond recommended doses (usually pieces of a candy bar or cookie vs. the entire thing).Â
Recreational marijuana sellers are reaching out to novice cannabis users with a raft of edible products that impart a milder buzz and make it easy for inexperienced customers to find a dose they won't regret taking.
In many ways, the marketing shift is the pot-industry equivalent of selling beer and wine alongside higher-alcohol options such as whiskey and vodka.
"No one buys a handle of Jim Beam and thinks they should drink all of that in one sitting," said Tim Cullen, owner of two Denver-area marijuana dispensaries. "But people do want to eat an entire cookie, an entire piece of chocolate. So these products allow you to do that and not have a miserable experience."