Cannabis Dispensary Earns National Gold Award for Best New Publication Design

Cleveland-based Cannabis Dispensary earns national acclaim for debut issue.

Cleveland, Ohio (May 14, 2018) – Cannabis Dispensary (CD) earned a National Gold Award for Best New Publication Design by the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE) during the 2018 award period—one of three awards that the magazine and its sister publication, Cannabis Business Times (CBT), earned for work published in 2017. Both titles were honored at the ASBPE National Awards Banquet May 10 in Washington, D.C.

November Cover Digital

Art Director Justin Armburger and Creative Director Jim Blayney lead the design work and conceptual direction for Cannabis Dispensary, which debuted in November 2017. The magazine’s fourth issue will be published in early June. 

“I am thrilled to see the CD team receive this award at the outset of a new publication,” Blayney said. “Cannabis Dispensary is the product of team-building and excellent communication, and we are excited to be able to present the editorial content in a way that enlivens and supports the professionalism and advancement of the cannabis industry.”

“This award is a true honor for our staff,” said Editorial Director Noelle Skodzinski, who co-founded CBT in 2014 and launched CD in 2017. “To receive a National Gold Award for the design work in our debut issue is a terrific way to enter the cannabis retail market. We look forward to continued success as we track and work to help advance the industry’s rapid evolution in North America and beyond.”

CD and CBT staffs also earned recognition as National Magazine of the Year (Cannabis Business Times). Associate editor Brian MacIver earned a National Gold Award for Best Company Profile (“Patients Over Profits” in CBT’s April 2017 issue).

Cannabis Business Times caters exclusively to the cannabis cultivation market. Its sister publication, Cannabis Dispensary, debuted in November 2017 and focuses solely on the retail segment of the cannabis industry.

The two publications also received several awards in the Heartland Region of ASBPE in April.

“We are honored to receive this national recognition,” Group Publisher Jim Gilbride said. “The launch of Cannabis Dispensary has been such a huge success, and this award reflects the effort that has gone into bringing the highest-quality publication to cannabis dispensaries throughout North America. This national recognition also helps to validate the cannabis market as awhole, with a cannabis publication taking home the top honors in this prestigious national awards competition.”

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 About Cannabis Business Times

CBT was founded in July 2014 (by owner/Publisher Tim Hermes and Editor Noelle Skodzinski) and launched Sept. 1, 2014, as a digital media brand—with a website ( updated daily and a weekly e-mail newsletter. It was purchased by GIE Media in April 2015. The brand now consists of a monthly print magazine, digital edition of the monthly magazine, an app (available in the GooglePlay and iTunes stores), the Cannabis: Cultivation Conference, a weekly enewsletter and the website, Subscriptions to the print magazine are free to qualified subscribers. You can sign up to subscribe to the print magazine here or the free weekly e-newsletter here.

About Cannabis Dispensary

CD was launched in November 2017 by GIE Media Inc. as a sister publication to Cannabis Business Times. The brand consists of a bimonthly print magazine, digital edition of the bimonthly magazine, an app (available in the GooglePlay and iTunes stores), a weekly enewsletter and the website, Subscriptions to the print magazine are free to qualified subscribers. You can sign up to subscribe to the print magazine here or the free weekly e-newsletter here.

Follow the Cannabis Business Times and Cannabis Dispensary teams on social media at:

Twitter: @CBTmag@cdispensarymag, @NoelleSki, @TheBrianMacIver@cassieneiden, @ScottGuthrie7, @ericsandy

Facebook: Cannabis Business Times, Cannabis Dispensary

Instagram: @cannabisbusinesstimes, @cannabisdispensarymag

LinkedIn: Cannabis Business Times, Cannabis Dispensary

About GIE Media Inc.
Established in 1980, GIE Media Inc. has grown from one publication into a leading marketing and communications business-to-business media company serving 17 industries. The company goal of Group Interest Enterprises is to publish the highest-quality business magazines, websites, e-newsletters, conferences, reference books and other forms of business media in growth industries, with a quality standard based upon editorial value and market leadership.

GIE Media Inc. is headquartered in Valley View, Ohio, and is privately owned by its founder Richard Foster. The company employs nearly 100 editors, publishers, sales representatives, marketers and other professionals.

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