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Cannabis Store Chains Court Winners of the Great Ontario Retail License Lottery

Lottery winners can choose to apply for a licence in any city with a population of more than 50,000 that has not opted out of having cannabis shops.

Canada Toronto Aqnus
aqnus/Adobe Stock

One of the five lucky Eastern Ontario winners of the great pot-shop lottery may open a store on Wellington Street West.

It all depends on how negotiations go with the Calgary company that operates the Spiritleaf cannabis store chain.

On the other hand, lottery winners might prefer a deal with High Tide Inc., another company with cannabis stores in Western Canada that plans to bring its Canna Cabana chain to Ontario. It has already rented a storefront in Westboro that’s available.

Those are just two of the companies courting the lottery winners who have the right to apply for a licence to open Ontario’s first 25 cannabis stores this spring.

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